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* alg1.cpp - Example program for STL generic algorithms that initialize
* sequences. Section 12.2
* $Id: alg1.cpp,v 1.3 1995/08/29 18:37:31 oberg Exp $
* $$RW_INSERT_HEADER "slyrs.cpp"
# include <iostream.h>
# include <vector>
# include <list>
# include <algorithm>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <string>
# include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class iotaGen {
iotaGen (int iv) : current(iv) { }
operator () () { return current++; }
int current;
void fill_example ()
// illustrate the use of the fill and fill_n functions
cout << "Illustrate fill function" << endl;
// example 1, fill an array with initial values
char buffer[100], *bufferp = buffer;
fill(bufferp, bufferp + 100, '\0');
fill_n(bufferp, 10, 'x');
cout << buffer << endl;
// example 2, use fill to initialize a list
list<string> aList;
fill_n (inserter(aList, aList.begin()), 10, "empty");
copy(aList.begin(), aList.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
// example 3, use fill to overwrite values in a list
fill (aList.begin(), aList.end(), "full");
copy(aList.begin(), aList.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
// example 4, fill in a portion of a list
vector<int> iVec(10);
generate (iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), iotaGen(1));
vector<int>::iterator seven = find(iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), 7);
fill(iVec.begin(), seven, 0);
copy(iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout)), cout << endl;
void copy_example()
// illustrate the use of the copy function
cout << "Illustrate copy function " << endl;
char * source = "reprise";
char * surpass = "surpass";
char buffer[120], *bufferp = buffer;
// example 1, a simple copy
copy(source, source + strlen(source) + 1, bufferp);
// example 2, self copies
* copy(bufferp + 2, bufferp+ strlen(buffer), bufferp) = '\0';
int buflen = strlen(buffer) + 1;
copy_backward(bufferp, bufferp + buflen, bufferp + buflen + 3);
copy(surpass, surpass + 3, bufferp);
// example 3, copy to output
copy(bufferp, bufferp + strlen(buffer), ostream_iterator<char>(cout));
cout << endl;
// example 4, use copy to convert type
list<char> char_list;
copy(bufferp, bufferp + strlen(buffer),inserter(char_list,char_list.end()));
char * big = "big ";
copy(big, big + 4, inserter(char_list, char_list.begin()));
char buffer2[200], *buffer2p = buffer;
* copy(char_list.begin(), char_list.end(), buffer2p) = '\0';
cout << buffer2 << endl;
# include <strstream.h>
# include <strstrea.h>
string generateLabel() {
// generate a label string of the form L_ddd
static int lastLabel = 0;
char labelBuffer[80];
ostrstream ost(labelBuffer, 80);
ost << "L_" << lastLabel++ << '\0';
return string(labelBuffer);
void generate_example ()
// illustrate the use of the generate and genrate_n functions
cout << "Illusustrate generate algorithm" << endl;
// example 1, generate a list of label numbers
list<string> labelList;
generate_n (inserter(labelList, labelList.begin()), 4, generateLabel);
copy (labelList.begin(), labelList.end(),
ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
// example 2, generate an arithmetic progression
vector<int> iVec(10);
generate (iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), iotaGen(2));
generate_n (iVec.begin(), 5, iotaGen(7));
copy (iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
void swap_example ()
// illustrate the use of the algorithm swap_ranges
cout << "Illustrate swap_ranges algorithm" << endl;
// first make two parallel sequences
int data[] = {12, 27, 14, 64}, *datap = data;
vector<int> aVec(4);
generate (aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), iotaGen(1));
// illustrate swap and swap_itr
swap(data[0], data[2]);
copy (data, data+4, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
vector<int>::iterator last = aVec.end(); last--;
iter_swap(aVec.begin(), last);
copy (aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
// now swap the entire sequence
swap_ranges (aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), datap);
copy (data, data+4, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
copy (aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
int main()
cout << "STL generic algorithms -- initialization algorithms"
<< endl;
cout << "End of initialization tests" << endl;
return 0;